fimmtudagur, apríl 03, 2008

Smá mont af dóttur minni. Þetta var skrifað um hana Kristínu mína á fréttasíðu Princeton háskóla:
"Senior captain Kristin Haraldsdottir is more than just the top rower in the Princeton open crew program. Along with senior coxwain Lizzie Agnew, she is the last remaining link to the magical 2006 squad that went unbeaten and routed the field at the NCAA Championships. Head coach Lori Dauphiny is hoping Haraldsdottir´s attitude continues to strengthen the program as Princeton prepares for the 2008 season. "Kristin is a real presence on the team," Dauphiny said. "She is a leader by example, and her work ethic would rank among the best we´ve had here. She is relentless and the best example on the team in terms of improving performance. I hope more follow in her footsteps."

Þær unnu fyrsta mót vorsins á laugardaginn á móti Brown og Michigan State. Halli og Karólína voru á staðnum og ég fékk að fylgjast með live í gegnum síma því Halli hringdi í mig þegar u.þ.b. ein mínúta var eftir.

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ærir sagði...

til hamingju. frábært.

Katrin Frimannsdottir sagði...

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